Ready To Do Business God's Way?

Equipping Busy Christian Women Entrepreneurs

With Bible Study Tools & Resources To Transform The World Through Their Businesses

Ready To Do Business God's Way?

Equipping Busy Christian Women Entrepreneurs With Bible Study Tools & Resources To Transform The World Through Their Businesses

Colossians 3:23-24 | Ephesians 2:10 | Corinthians 3:13-15

We get it—being a boss is chaotic.

But we’re going to hold your hand when we tell you this truth:

If you want God to bless your business, make sure He’s in it, not just on your to-do list.

Truth is, everything about your life here on Earth is temporary—your business, the one you’ve poured your heart, soul, and countless late nights into? Yep, that’s temporary too. You’re a citizen of Heaven, not just of this world. And while you’re here, your business is meant to be a reflection of the good works God created you to do (Ephesians 2:10).

Let’s get real for a second. If you were called home today, would your business stand the test of eternity? Or would it crumble when tested by fire? 1 Corinthians 3:13-15 tells us that while we are saved by grace through faith, the works we’ve done will still be tested. Anything built on the wrong foundation won’t last. So, what about your business? Is it set up to earn you those heavenly rewards, or will it be left in ashes?

Welcome to Dual Citizen

Welcome to Dual Citizen

At Dual Citizen, we’re here to help you slow down, partner with God daily, dive deeper into His Word, take time to understand the Bible and apply its wisdom to your business. We believe your business is more than just spreadsheets and profit margins. It’s your chance to live out your faith, partner with God, make a real impact in this temporary world, and store up those eternal treasures we hear about in Heaven (yes, we’re talking about the ultimate retirement plan).

Every Christian has a unique purpose on this Earth—so that includes you. Jesus Himself laid it out for us in His last instructions, The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) and we see your entrepreneurial journey as an extension of this mission. Because let’s face it—your faith isn’t just for Sundays; it’s woven into everything you do, including your business

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Entrepreneurs worldwide

using their businesses to impact the world around them

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are Christian Entrepreneurs

seeking ways to align their businesses with God's purpose

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Of Christian Organizations

globally cater specifically to Christian entrepreneurs

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of Christian entrepreneurs

don’t have a community nor resources to help them

Dual Citizen Exists To Serve The 99.7%

Our citizenship is in heaven | Philippians 3:20

All Christians Are Dual Citizens

2 Corinthians 5:17

From a biblical perspective, heavenly citizenship is not just about the afterlife. It’s also about how we live on this earth in our cities and countries, businesses and churches.

Romans 12:1–2 | Romans 8:29

When we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit begins to transform our sinful, worldly desires into those that glorify God. His goal is to make us as much like Jesus as possible in this life.

Matthew 6:19–20

To be adopted into the family of God means that we become citizens of an eternal kingdom where our Father is the King. Our focus turns toward eternal things and storing up treasure in heaven.

Ephesians 2:18–19; 6:20

As Christians, we are ambassadors on this earth, temporary citizens in a temporary home. Our true citizenship lies in heaven. So, we are Dual Citizens, until our Father sends for us and we go home.

We believe the Bible is the best business book you could ever own

Life on earth is a temporary assignment. As a Christian entrepreneur, the greatest tool God has given you to impact the world, while you’re here, is through your work. We are to love God and serve others and then our heavenly father will reward us in heaven. We are dual citizens, temporary citizens of earth – eternal citizens of heaven.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to help you build something that counts—both now (temporarily) and later (eternity). At Dual Citizen, we’re here for one thing: to help you build a business that makes God proud!

Our Mission

Our mission is to help all Christian founders and entrepreneurs bridge the gap between scripture & strategy. The greatest tool God has given you to impact the world is your work and He's provided us with the best tool to do that, your Bible. We are dedicated to providing the tools, guidance, and resources that enable you to slow down, dive deeper into God's Word, understand the Bible, and infuse God's wisdom into every decision.

Our Goal

Our goal is to foster a thriving global community of Dual Citizens who, through our products, tools, resources, and support, create businesses that are not only successful, but also spiritually fulfilling and rewarding. Our commitment is to be your trusted BFF (literally forever) on your entrepreneur journey, bridging the gap between heaven and earth as you fulfill your divine calling.

The Founder | Meet Niqueea

“The idea for Dual Citizen came to me at the age of 13, only I had no idea it was an idea from God, nor did I know this was the purpose of the business. At 13, God placed into my heart the desire to be an entrepreneur. I remember going to the public library every week (we didn’t have a computer in our house) and looking up university programs about entrepreneurship. I would print out all the schools that offered those programs and I placed them in a folder. I was only in middle school and I already knew my purpose. Every time someone asked me what I wanted to be, I’d say “an entrepreneur” and then they’d ask “What kind of business do you want to start?”, and I never knew the answer…then. In high school, I excelled at all the requirements each school required upon admission.

Even though the desire for entrepreneurship came to me so young, and I believed in God, I did not have a relationship with Jesus at this time. I also had no clue what kind of business I should start. Upon graduation, I went for my B.S. in Business Administration and then my International MBA in Marketing. I started multiple businesses but none of them stuck, none of them felt fulfilling. In 2017, I started my relationship with Jesus, strayed away in 2018 to New Age without realizing it, and found Him again in 2019. I traveled to 20+ countries, solo, from 2017-2022 and it was during my travels in 2022 that the name Dual Citizen came to me, well it was the Holy Spirit.

Dual Citizen has been 20 years in the making, God was prepping me for 20 years! Everything I went through; experiences, education, jobs, relationships, business ventures, etc, were all for this purpose to glorify God here on earth and help serve other Christian entrepreneurs seeking to infuse Jesus within every aspect of their businesses; impacting the world through their work and claiming our heavenly rewards when they are called home.”

We know the statistics

And noticed there was a lack of resources and tools available for Christian entrepreneurs that help them to use the bible as their # business book, co-partnering with Jesus. So, we created our business-based bible studies & reading plans as your solution to bridging the gap between scripture and strategy.

Faith Integration
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 A study conducted by Baylor University found that 68% of Christian entrepreneurs struggle to integrate their faith into their businesses effectively, citing challenges in maintaining a consistent Christian identity while operating in a secular business environment. 

Spiritual Growth
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Surveys conducted by the Christian Entrepreneurship Network (CEN) suggest that 67% of Christian entrepreneurs desire more opportunities for spiritual growth and guidance in their entrepreneurial journey, seeking ways to align their businesses with God’s purpose and principles.

Ethical Dilemmas
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 According to a survey by the Barna Group, 56% of Christian business professionals reported facing ethical challenges in the workplace, such as conflicts between personal values and business practices.

Employee Relations
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Data from the Faith Driven Entrepreneur survey shows that 48% of Christian business leaders struggle with employee relations, including issues related to team dynamics, conflict resolution, and employee engagement.

Work-Life Balance
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Research by the National Association of Christian Business Owners (NACBO) indicates that 73% of Christian entrepreneurs struggle with work-life balance, with long working hours and high stress levels being major concerns.

Financial Challenges
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A survey by the Christian Business Association revealed that 42% of Christian-owned businesses face financial challenges, including difficulties in securing funding, managing cash flow, and dealing with economic downturns.

Marketplace Competition
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 The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics (IFWE) reports that 61% of Christian entrepreneurs feel pressure to compromise their values to compete effectively in the marketplace, highlighting the tension between business success and ethical principles.

Cultural & Societal Pressures
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According to a survey by the Barna Group, 63% of Christian business owners feel the impact of cultural and societal pressures on their business decisions, such as changing societal norms, legal challenges, and cultural shifts.

Leadership Challenges
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The Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) reports that 55% of Christian leaders face challenges in leadership development, including issues related to decision-making, strategic planning, and developing a leadership pipeline.

Community Engagement
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Research by the Center for Faith and Entrepreneurship (CFE) indicates that 72% of Christian entrepreneurs struggle with effectively engaging with their communities, balancing business goals with community impact, and building meaningful relationships with stakeholders.

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